От издателя Not just the finest band ever to come from the world's gambling kingdom Las Vegas, but undoubtedly also one of the finest groups on the planet today; The Killers are a true phenomenon Having charаъоудmed music fans everywhere with their dynamic debut album, Hot Fuss, the band have reinforced their standing as one of this decade's first division acts with a follow up record which does nothing if not surpass creatively its predecessor The Killers: Leaving Las Vegas бйртэis a documentary film about this extraordinary collective and by using interviews with the band and those close to them, rare footage, numerous obscure photographs (many of which come from private collections), location shoots and a host of other features, this programme is uniquely enlightening, hugely informative, and downright entertaining and is certain to become the standard work on this magnificent band Дополнительные материалы Extras Include: Full Interactive Digital Discogбрфцбraphy, Exclusive Gaming Feature 'The Hardest Killers Quiz In The World Ever' And "Beyond DVD" Section Актер "The Killers" (Исполнитель) Американская группа "The Killers" была создана в 2002 году в Лас-Вегасе вокалистом Брэндоном Флауэрсом, также игравшим на клавишных инструментах, в том числе на фортепиано и синтезаторе и гитаристом Дэйвом Кенингом Прежде Флауэрс играл в местной группе .