От издателя A hotel developer purchases a cursed tropical island where he plans to erect a luxury resort Arriving on the god-forsaken island he finds opposition in the worm infested, flesh eating, walking coаъиъсrpses as they begin to rise from their graves Exotic Laura Gemser (Black Emanuelle, Emanuelle and the Cannibals, Violence in a Woman's Prison) plays a sexy and mysterious apparition, who warns of grave danger! Among the rarest of all zombie/cannibal/sex films, this Joбймжчe D'Amato masterwork is chock full of gore FX, steamy and graphic eroticism, and an apocalyptic cannibal-zombie flesh feast you won't soon forget! Режиссер: Джо Д`Амато Творческий коллектив Дополнительные материалы Uncut Uncensored XXX Footage Restored Erotic Sunny Afternoons of the Living Dead (Alternate Footage) Production Stills & Laura Gemser Gallery Original Theatrical Trailer Режиссер Джо Д`Амато Joe D`Amato Aristide Massaccesi Свои операторские работы Джо Д'Абруотмато подписывает "Федерико Слониско", или "Федерико Слониско младший" Актеры (показать всех актеров) Лаура Гемсер Laura Gemser Джордж Истмен George Eastman Дирс Фунари Dirce Funari.